The Great Resignation

Understanding Burnout: Does Zoom Make It Worse?

Source: Canva

What, Exactly, is Burnout?

Burnout is a psychological symptom that results from chronic work-related stress (Melamed et al., 2006). Melamed et al. define burnout simply as “emotional exhaustion, physical fatigue, and cognitive weariness.”[1] Specifically, Maslach et al. find that burnout can be conceptualized along three dimensions:[2,3] 

  1. Exhaustion - stress and chronic fatigue due to overwhelming demands.

  2. Cynicism - apathy, loss of interest in work, and a sense of futility and meaninglessness toward one’s job.

  3. A decrease in quality of work performance - the manifestation of reduced feelings of performance-effectiveness or accomplishment

The multivariate impact of burnout is quantifiable. Burnout negatively impacts productivity and can be measured by: quantity of sick leave days, job retention, and the intention to change jobs.[4] Studies have also found higher levels of burnout have correlated with increased inflammation biomarkers, risk of cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and mood disturbances.[5-8]

How Does Burnout Arise?

In addition to more obvious factors like an overwhelming workload, two decades of research on burnout have illuminated some lesser known factors that influence one’s likelihood of burning out. If people perceive that they have the capacity to influence decisions within their workplace and believe they have access to resources necessary to perform well, job engagement is likely to increase. When people feel insufficient recognition or reward (i.e. financial, social, institutional) for their work, both they (as individuals) and their work can feel devalued; this is found to be closely related to feelings of inefficacy and decreased satisfaction. Interpersonal dynamics within the workplace also affect one’s experience of burnout; relationships characterized by support and trust protect against burnout, while unresolved conflict and a lack of trust between peers or coworkers are correlated with greater burnout risk. Fair and equitable policies are also important, as people who feel that they are not being appropriately respected can become chronically cynical, angry, or hostile. Finally, a conflict of values between an individual and their organization can increase one’s likelihood of developing burnout, as the continual pressure to make trade-offs between their values and obligations can affect stress and exhaustion levels.[9]

Figure 1: List of possible burnout symptoms

Image based on a list produced by Schaufeli & Enzmann (1998) [10]

Who Burns Out the Quickest?

Different individuals working under the same job conditions will not necessarily feel burned out at the same time or to the same degree. This is because burnout is a response to stress and individuals evaluate, cope with, and respond to stressors differently. One study by Ghorpade et al. (2007) finds that differences in personality can influence whether one conserves resources (consequently protecting themselves) or becomes susceptible to stressors. Further, extroversion and emotional stability have been found to be negatively related to emotional exhaustion.[11] Openness and agreeableness are also negatively correlated with burnout, while conscientiousness and neuroticism appear to be positively associated.[12,13] 

Something that researchers have struggled to account for is how often burnout might be mislabeled as depression or anxiety, and how such misdiagnoses can lead to ineffective treatment interventions. People suffering from burnout might appear to be depressed, as the symptoms of burnout resemble those of depression (e.g. loss of interest, fatigue, impaired concentration, depressed mood).[14] As there are no diagnostic criteria for burnout and it is not mentioned in the DSM-5, one cannot be formally diagnosed with the condition. One major distinction between depression and burnout is that burnout arises specifically in work-related contexts whereas depression is pervasive across different contexts.[15]

Burnout from Online and Telecommunication-Based Environments

It is often contended that screen time is associated with copious amounts of stress-related symptoms, including psychological, cognitive, and muscular impairments.[16,17] Mheidly et al. (2020) write that pandemics “are often associated with a state of stress and panic. Accordingly, strain resulting from telecommunication can accumulate with other stressors to lead to exhaustion, anxiety, and burnout.”[18] They note that imposed lockdowns, quarantines, and the inability to socialize as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to considerable disruptions in lives, often accompanied by increased tension, anxiety, boredom, and disturbed sleep cycles. Within workplaces, promotions have been delayed and wages have been cut; these negative changes can create adverse levels of pressure and anxiety within people.

Mheidly et al. (2020) recommend promoting awareness regarding stress and burnout as a result of increased telecommunication. They note the following measures are likely to combat this type of burnout: increasing the frequency of breaks between virtual lectures and teleconferences to both reduce eye strain and prevent attention loss, increasing podcast-based communication as a substitute for visual screen time, and implementing healthy practices throughout the work or school day. Yoga, in particular, has received growing research attention, with evidence indicating it can be an effective intervention to reduce stress, increase physical activity, and improve well-being.[19-21]

How to Recover from Burnout

Just as the onset and development of burnout change depending on the individual, so too does the recovery. While Heng & Schabram (2021) believe that the best cure for burnout is prevention altogether, that isn’t always realistic. Therefore, they emphasize the importance of agency in the restoration process. Their research finds that to “effectively overcome burnout, employees must feel empowered to take control over their own lives and decisions.” Rather than expect or request a manager to intervene and improve coworker relations, they note that it is more effective for employees to reaffirm their own social networks. In a subsequent study where they surveyed social service workers (people prone to chronic burnout), Heng & Schabram found “those who were already suffering from burnout had a harder time engaging in acts of self- or other-care, [while] those who were able to muster the energy to practice compassion showed significant reductions in burnout.”[22] Other research has found that mindfulness practices such as breathing exercises, gratitude exercises, yoga, and movement can be effective at cultivating compassion, and that compassion meditation training can rewire neural circuitry in the brain.[23,24]

Self-care and healthy practices are crucial to implement for burnout recovery. Such practices can include: 

  • reducing screen time

  • increasing time in nature

  • stretching to mitigate tension brought on by extended sitting

  • practicing agency and taking control in areas of work or school where one can make changes for themselves

  • reflecting on one’s support system and building relationships where trust and respect are foundational

  • engaging in self-compassion

It’s also important to be aware that the symptoms of burnout can resemble those of depression; if one’s cynicism and exhaustion begin to pervade other areas of life besides work, then different approaches (e.g., therapy or medication) may be more effective or necessary for healing to occur. 

For more information, click here to access an interview with SAS Therapist, Jim McDonnell, on high-stress employment.

Contributed by: Maya Hsu

Editor: Jennifer (Ghahari) Smith, Ph.D.


1 Melamed, S., Shirom, A., Toker, S., Berliner, S., & Shapira, I. (2006). Burnout and risk of cardiovascular disease: Evidence, possible causal paths, and promising research directions. Psychological Bulletin, 132(3), 327–353. 

2 Maslach, C., Jackson, S. E., & Leiter, M. P. (1997). Maslach Burnout Inventory: Third edition. In C. P. Zalaquett & R. J. Wood (Eds.), Evaluating stress: A book of resources (pp. 191–218). Scarecrow Education.

3 Koutsimani, P., Montgomery, A., & Georganta, K. (2019). The Relationship Between Burnout, Depression, and Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 284.

4 Storm, K., & Rothmann, S. (2003). The relationship between burnout, personality traits and coping strategies in a corporate pharmaceutical group. South African Journal of Industrial Psychology, 29(4), 35-42. Retrieved from urnout_personality_traits_and_coping_strategies_in_a_corporate_pharmaceutical _group

5 Toker, S., Shirom, A., Shapira, I., Berliner, S., & Melamed, S. (2005). The association between burnout, depression, anxiety, and inflammation biomarkers: C-reactive protein and fibrinogen in men and women. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10(4), 344-362.

6 Toppinen-Tanner, S., Ahola, K., Koskinen, A., & Vaananen, A. (2009). Burnout predicts hospitalization for mental and cardiovascular disorders: 10 - year prospective results from industrial sector. Stress and Health, 25(4), 287-296.

7 Rosen, I. M., Gimotty, P. A., Shea, J. A., & Bellini, L. M. (2006). Evolution of sleep quantity, sleep deprivation, mood disturbances, empathy, and burnout 39 among interns. Academic Medicine, 81(1), 82-85. Retrieved from eep_Quantity,_Sleep_Deprivation,.20.aspx

8 Ahola, K., Honkonen, T., Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Isometsä, E., Aromaa, A., & Lönnqvist, J. (2006). Contribution of burnout to the association between job strain and depression: The Health 2000 Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 48(10), 1023-1030.

9 Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2016). Understanding the burnout experience: Recent research and its implications for psychiatry. World psychiatry : official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Retrieved from 

10 Schaufeli, W., & Enzmann, D. (1998). The burnout companion to study and practice: A critical analysis. Taylor & Francis. 

11 Ghorpade, J., Lackritz, J., & Singh, G. (2007). Burnout and personality. Journal of Career Assessment, 15(2), 240–256. 

12 Anvari, M. R., Kalali, N. S., & Gholipour, A. (2011). How does personality affect on job burnout? International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 2(2), 115-119. Retrieved from

13 Dargah, H. G., & Estalkhbijari, Z. P. (2012). The relationship between the Big Five Personality Factors and job burnout. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2(11), 1842-1850. Retrieved from

14 American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Pub.

15 Iacovides, A., et al. (2003). The relationship between job stress, burnout and clinical depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 75(3), 209-221.

16 Lemola, S., Perkinson-Gloor, N., Brand, S., Dewald-Kaufmann, J. F., & Grob, A. (2014). Adolescents' electronic media use at night, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms in the smartphone age - Journal of Youth and adolescence. SpringerLink. Retrieved January from 

17 Hossmann, K.-A., & Hermann, D. M. (2002). Effects of electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on the Central Nervous System. Bioelectromagnetics, 24(1), 49–62. 

18 Mheidly, N., Fares, M. Y., & Fares, J. (2020). Coping with stress and burnout associated with telecommunication and online learning. Frontiers in public health. Retrieved from 

19 Pascoe, M. C., & Bauer, I. E. (2015). A systematic review of randomised control trials on the effects of yoga on stress measures and mood. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 68, 270–282. 

20 Büssing, A., Michalsen, A., Khalsa, S. B., Telles, S., & Sherman, K. J. (2012). Effects of yoga on mental and physical health: A short summary of reviews. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012, 1–7. 

21 Fares, J., & Fares, Y. (2016). The role of yoga in relieving medical student anxiety and stress. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(4), 202. 

22 Heng, Y. T., & Schabram, K. (2021). Your Burnout is unique. your recovery will be, too. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from 

23 Kirby, J. N. (2016). Compassion interventions: The programmes, the evidence, and implications for research and Practice. British Psychological Society. Retrieved from 

24 Weng, H., Fox, A., Shackman, A., Stodola, D., Caldwell, J., Olson, M., Rogers, G., & Davidson, R. (2013). Compassion training alters altruism and neural responses to suffering - Psychological Science. Retrieved from 

The Great Resignation: Why Burnout Prevailed and What to Consider if You’re Contemplating Resigning

Source: Canva

The Great Resignation

Will it Continue through 2022?

2022 is upon us. With the New Year, many tend to commit to grand new routines (going to the gym, eating better, learning a new skill, etc.) and during this ongoing pandemic, one must wonder if positive changes in terms of employment, education and/or new perspectives are also on the calendar. Contemplating a career change? Read ahead for some points to consider, and hear SAS therapists’ perspectives, as you weigh your options.

Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, came what has been dubbed “The Great Resignation” in which millions of Americans have quit their jobs. But, why? In March 2020, countless offices and business were forced to abruptly shutter; millions lost their jobs and an estimated 42% of Americans began to work remotely.[1] This restructuring to work remotely has had a profound impact on how people think about their jobs, specifically when and where they want to work. In a June 2021 article, NPR quotes Tsedal Neeley, a professor at Harvard Business School and author of the book Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere, “We have changed. Work has changed. The way we think about time and space has changed." Neeley then adds a key point - “Workers now crave the flexibility given to them in the pandemic - which had previously been unattainable.”[2]

The crisis of the pandemic, fear of becoming ill and/or losing a loved one as well as fear of the unknown led to Americans beginning to see their life-work balance through a new lens. Many began to rethink what their work means to them, how they are valued in the workplace and how they spend their time. This has led to a significant increase in resignations, with the U.S. Labor Department reporting over four million people quitting their jobs from July-November of 2021 as Covid infections continued to spread throughout the United States. While normally high quit-levels are indicative of a healthy economy with plentiful jobs, the pandemic has led to the worst U.S. recession in history, with millions of people out of work. At the same time, acute labor shortages are being reported.[3]

It’s important to note that while the primary focus of this article is about the “Great Resignation” wherein people have chosen to leave their place of employment, roughly 10 million Americans have unwillingly lost their jobs during the pandemic.[4] Restaurants have shuttered, concert venues fell silent, small businesses collapsed and countless Americans found themselves in severe financial insecurity. Notably, women have borne the brunt of job losses as they are over-represented in low-wage service jobs, have been hit hard by increased child-care demands brought on Covid’s disruption of school reopenings as well as the initial lack of vaccines for children.[5] Further, those with compromised immune systems and/or underlying medical conditions (or who have family/loved ones with such) have had to be especially vigilant to not become exposed to the Coronavirus; thus many have been unable to return to their jobs if exposure was probable, due to safety concerns. In a January, 2022 article by The Guardian, Heidi Shierholz, president of the Economic Policy Institute noted, “We know there are millions of people who are still out of the labor force because of health and safety concerns. We know that parents are out of the labor force because of ongoing Covid-related care responsibilities.”[6] For those unwillingly out of the workforce during this health crisis, the following information and considerations should also be of benefit when contemplating next career steps.


As The Washington Post reports, those resigning seem to come from every industry and span generations. Those in the leisure and hospitality services have been primary contributors of the mass exodus in the Great Resignation. According to NRP, these industries (which includes jobs in hotels, bars, restaurants, theme parks and entertainment venues) have become increasingly stressful during the pandemic, with scant staffing and constant battles with unmasked customers building up to many departing their jobs. In addition, because those working in the leisure/hospitality sectors have had maintained contact with the public, workers in these fields have been subjected to increased exposure to Covid as they could not isolate nor work remotely in these positions. As many companies leisure/hospitality companies offered furloughs, workers accepted at an unprecedented rate due to the increased stressors and risk of infection.[7]

But it’s not just the leisure/hospitality sectors that are seeing massive quit levels. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown an exodus of workers leaving retail, warehouses, food service, health-care and social- assistance jobs at record levels. Quit levels have soared among manufacturing and warehouse workers, straining under excessive pressures of surging demand and crunched supply chains. The Post cites reasons for leaving one’s position during the pandemic include: following through on long-deferred plans to leave; no longer willing or able to wait out the pandemic; being burned out from too many long shifts; too many late nights and unspent vacation days. Furthermore, the public health crisis led to a reassessment of one’s jobs and priorities.[8]

Economists have noted that the pandemic has led to low-wage workers in America revolting against years of poor pay and stressful conditions. Many are now less-willing to endure inconvenient hours with low compensation, leading to the pursuit of better opportunities.[9]

Ian Cook and his team at Harvard Business Review sought to explore the staggering statistics of quits occurring since the pandemic occurred. They conducted an in-depth analysis of more than 9 million employee records from more than 4,000 companies.[10] The global dataset included employees across a variety of industries, functions, and levels of experience, and revealed two key trends.

1. Resignation rates are highest among mid-career employees, aged 30-45. Employees in this age group (dubbed “mid-career” by the researchers) have had the greatest increase in resignation rates, with an average increase of more than 20% between 2020 and 2021. Cook and his team note that there are a few factors to help to explain why the increase in resignations have been largely driven by this cohort. Namely, mid-level employees are more-likely to be fully trained in their positions, making remote work a relatively easy shift compared to someone with less experience in the company. The team notes this could create greater demand for mid-career employees, giving them greater leverage in securing new positions.

Additionally, it is possible that many mid-level employees may have delayed transitioning out of their roles due to the uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Cook suggests the spike in resignations could be the result of more than a year’s worth of pent-up work frustrations and pressures such as continual high workloads, hiring freezes, and other pressures, causing workers to rethink their work and life goals.[11]

2. Resignations have been highest in the tech and health care industries. Cook et al. also identified notable differences in turnover rates between companies across different industries and found the health care industry had a 3.6% increase, while the tech sector had a 4.5% increase in resignations from 2020-2021.

The team suggested that resignation rates were higher among employees who worked in fields that had experienced extreme increases in demand due to the pandemic, likely leading to increased workloads and burnout. [12]


An unforeseen side-effect of the pandemic has been that much of the workforce has come to rethink their current careers, priorities and lifestyles. According to Gallup research conducted in the summer of 2021, nearly half of American workers were actively searching or watching for new job opportunities.[13] And, at the end of November 2021, there were more than 10.6 million unfilled jobs in the U.S. workforce, according to data released by the Labor Department,[14] thus suggesting that workers are taking time to find the “right” positions for themselves. Further, with government stimulus leading to surges in savings, booming stock markets and fewer spending options during the pandemic, some households have more funds to sustain them in the interim as workers seek to find more ideal employment situations.[15] Additionally, as The Guardian notes, “For those quitting in response to higher wages or greater health risks or greater care insecurity, it is not so simple as to think that they would prefer not to work, but rather, that they cannot afford to keep the jobs they have.”[15]

Grant Thornton’s recent “State of Work in America” survey found that flexibility is key for many employees now, in regards to when and where work is done. Respondents indicated that flexibility actually outweighs compensation as a concern and half of the sample noted they would give up a salary increase for more flexibility. Given that burnout is a top reason why employees seek out other opportunities, flexibility can be the primary mitigating factor.[16] Out of Office co-author, Anne Helen Petersen, asserts "The status quo of us being in offices from a certain time to a certain time every day is very arbitrary. It's based on rhythms that are no longer ours. It's based on an understanding that there is a caretaker at home for most families in the United States, and that's not necessarily the case." Now is a good time to revisit what she calls "arbitrary understandings of how many hours your butt should be in a chair in the office." After all, notes Petersen, "You don't need to be in an office to answer emails."[17]

The result of such high unemployment numbers have led to a shift in the worker having increased bargaining and negotiation powers. Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate asserts, “As a result of many changes caused by the pandemic, many employers will need to continue to consider raising wages and improving working conditions, such as providing more flexibility, as they attempt to attract and retain workers.”[18]

The proverbial battle for talent in the workplace has spurred some companies to raise wages and offer sign-on bonuses. In May, the national average hourly pay for non-managers at restaurants and bars topped $15. Companies such as Costco, Amazon, CVS and Walgreens all have hourly minimums of $15 or higher. Further, Walmart, Target and Amazon announced they would begin offering free college tuition and textbooks to employees.[19]


Explorance, a leader in experience management (XM) solutions, commissioned a survey of 2,000 U.S. part- and full-time-employed adults to probe hidden drivers behind The Great Resignation. Their key finding came down to: “feedback that goes unheard.”[20]

A majority of respondents noted they are eager to share feedback with employers and do so in the hopes of driving positive change in their workplace. However, employees (including many executives) indicated that far too often their feedback goes unheard and does not result in meaningful change. Moreover, while 78% of respondents indicated they were “eager to take company surveys,” 50% noted they were not surveyed by their employer in the previous year. Further, 45% of the sample felt that even when surveys were implemented, no meaningful change ever comes from them.[21]

Samer Saab, founder and CEO of Explorance, notes, "This data not only reveals new insights as to why employees are looking to change jobs. It also shows that responding to employee feedback by making meaningful changes can improve employee inclusion and retention."[22]

Explorance suggests that employers can take three steps to slow attrition:[23]

1. Solicit feedback from employees, including open-ended questions that allow them to speak candidly and share their thoughts.

2. Analyze the survey results and communicate the key findings to employees.

3. Act. To truly close the loop, employers must quickly turn insights into action and address employee concerns rapidly -- or risk hearing about them again in exit interviews.

Flexibility in the workplace is another factor that can slow the number of resignations a company experiences. While some personality types thrive in an office environment, others shine away from the fray and perform better remotely. Shifting hours or split schedules for remote work are another driver of employee satisfaction; if the company’s business hours align, employees can work 7:00-3:00, or even a split day of 9:00-3:00 plus 7:00-9:00 which may accommodate people with school-aged children better or those who have higher productivity with a break mid-day. Additionally, some workers need a break from home and do best with the separation of work and home spaces; thus, allowing a flex-schedule for employees to work from the office some days and home other days, may be of benefit.[24]


Telford and Gregg of The Washington Post offer that if someone is contemplating resigning from their job but are unsure if or when they should, they may want to consider some options:

- Can you move to a different team or department to increase satisfaction?

- Can you take on fewer tasks, add more-interesting tasks, or shift some responsibilities?

- Is there something your employer could provide (e.g., more money, a promotion, more time off) that would give your role more meaning?

Given the current labor climate, employees have stronger negotiating power when requesting change. If managers don’t engage in discussions and/or requests for change, then that might be the answer one needs.[25]



1) From a therapist’s perspective, how can someone know if they are at a point that they should resign from their current employment?

“I’m not sure I can give a definitive answer here, as context is very important. Generally speaking, if someone is spending a large amount of time thinking about quitting their job, then it is worth spending some time exploring this as an option in more detail, with the goal of moving from a reactive to a more intentional relationship to these ruminations.

The first thing I would suggest is that they get clarity on why they are considering leaving their job. They might be able to do this on their own through introspection, journaling, and/or meditation. That said, it can be much more helpful and effective to talk to someone about this - a career counselor, a psychotherapist, or someone else you trust who can be objective in helping you gain clarity on your motivations for leaving.

Some questions to consider: Do I want to quit my job, or do I want to quit my profession? Is it because I don’t like what I do for work? Do I not like who I am working for? Is it because I am anxious and/or depressed to the point that it is negatively impacting my life? Do these symptoms transcend my current work, or is it something I only experience with this particular job? Are there skills and treatments I can use to manage these symptoms?

Again, all of these questions should help an individual get clarity on why they want to quit their job.” (Jim McDonnell, LMHC)

“When someone cannot reach a proactive, solutions-focused way forward that accounts for the needs of both the employee and the employer - (the employee having had their needs and feelings understood and validated by a trusted other) - then it's time to resign (generally speaking, my opinion only).”  (Liz Silvestrini, JD, LMHC)


2) For those resigning or considering resigning from their current employment, what guidance/advice would you offer them?

“If you have done the work on gaining clarity on why you want to leave, and have determined it does in fact make sense to quit (the Why), then it makes sense to consider the How and When of your departure.

Some questions to consider: Do you have resources and a plan for what happens up to and after your departure? Are their benefits or resources you can use to help ease the transition? Do you have social support to lean on during this time?

The theme here is, again, gaining clarity and intention rather than being impulsive and reactive.” (Jim McDonnell, LMHC)

 “Focus on what you want for your next chapter and maintain that focus throughout the process to keep yourself in a position of empowered, forward momentum.” (Liz Silvestrini, JD, LMHC)


3) Do you have any other guidance/advice for someone dealing with a particularly stressful/potentially toxic work environment?

“The most important guidance I can give is to talk about this in a constructive way with someone. Someone who can help you gain clarity on your situation, provide care and support, and help you come up with options and a plan so that you feel empowered and intentional in the face of uncertainty and distress.” (Jim McDonnell, LMHC)

“Remember that you always have choices (forgive me or slap me if this sounds privileged, because it is). Remember that you have inherent dignity and worth and never deserve to live in toxicity. If something isn't serving you, find something else and write about your experience because this is never easy and your story will matter to the next person.” (Liz Silvestrini, JD, LMHC)

For more information, click here to access an interview with SAS Therapist, Jim McDonnell, on high-stress employment.

Additionally, you may click here to access an interview with Psychiatrist David Neubauer on insomnia & anxiety.

Contributed by: Jennifer (Ghahari) Smith, Ph.D.

Jim McDonnell, LMHC & Liz Silvestrini, JD, LMHC

Editor: Jennifer (Ghahari) Smith, Ph.D.


1 “Working 9 to 5? 'Out of Office' Author Says Maybe it's Time to Rethink That,” NPR: Author Interviews. (accessed 1-3-2022).

2 “As The Pandemic Recedes, Millions of Workers Are Saying 'I Quit',” NPR. (accessed 1-4-2022).   

3 Ibid.

4 “Fewer Jobs Have Been Lost in the EU Than in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Downturn,” Pew Research Center. (accessed 1-3-2022).

5 “Why is Everyone Quitting, and How Do I Know Whether it’s Time to Leave My Job?,” The Washington Post. (accessed 1-4-2022).

6 “Quitting is Just Half the Story: The Truth Behind the ‘Great Resignation,’” The Guardian. (accessed 1-5-2022).

7 NPR.

8 The Washington Post.

9 Ibid.

10 “Who Is Driving the Great Resignation?,” Harvard Business Review. (accessed 1-4-2022).

11 Ibid.

12 Ibid.

13 “The 'Great Resignation' Is Really the 'Great Discontent',” Gallup. (accessed 1-5-2022). 

14 “Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary,” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Economic News Release. (accessed 1-5-2022). 

15 The Washington Post.

16 The Guardian.

17 Ibid.

18 NPR: Author Interviews.

19 The Washington Post.

20 Ibid.

21 “Why Are People Really Leaving Their Jobs? The Whole Reason Can Be Summed Up in 4 Words,” Inc. (accessed 1-3-2022).      

22 Ibid.

23 Ibid.

24 Ibid.

25 NPR: Author Interviews.

26 The Washington Post.