Before requesting an appointment, please:


Psychiatric and Therapy

1-on-1 Appointments (with a therapist or psychiatrist)

Click to see our online schedule (full-fee).

Psychological testing and assessments

Psychological Assessments

Click to fill out our assessment request (ages 18 and above).


* Before submitting an appointment request, please note that we do not treat active substance use disorders, active eating disorders, or those who are actively suicidal or homicidal.

** If you or someone you know is unsafe (suicidal, homicidal, putting oneself or others in danger, or experiencing a medical emergency), call 911 immediately. If you are having any other kind of mental health crisis, you can also call the King County 24-hour confidential crisis hotline at: 866-4-CRISIS (866-427-4747).


If you do not find your answer below, please feel free to contact our office here.