Covid-19 Community Survey


Seattle Anxiety Specialists, PLLC is a private group therapy practice in Seattle specializing in treatments (such as CBT) for anxiety and anxiety disorders. We’re conducting this survey as a public service, to help individuals and organizations in the Seattle area get a better sense of the impacts of COVID-19 on the stress/anxiety/worry levels of our community.

If you’re living in the Seattle area, please take a moment to fill out our Covid-19 Community Survey.

Your honest feedback will be used as part of a research study and will help provide mental health resources for Seattle and surrounding areas. This survey can be completed in just a few minutes.

We’ll post the results on our website in a few weeks.

ALL RESPONSES ARE ANONYMOUS AND CONFIDENTIAL: Our survey is built through SurveyMonkey, a highly reputable organization that doesn't sell user data to third parties, provides secure encryption, and provides tools so that surveys can be made completely anonymous and confidential.

RISKS AND BENEFITS: There is minimal risk involved in participating in this study. Participants may experience some discomfort or negative emotions in disclosing their feelings (e.g., anxiety, stress, and worry). We cannot guarantee that you will receive any benefits from this study, but it may help you to better understand any negative feelings you’re having. Although you may not receive direct benefit from your participation, others may ultimately benefit from the knowledge obtained in this study.

PARTICIPANT’S RIGHTS:  If you have read this and have decided to participate in this project, please understand your participation is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. The alternative is not to participate. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions.  The results of this research study may be presented at scientific or professional meetings or published in scientific journals.  Your individual privacy will be maintained in all published and written data resulting from the study.


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this research, its procedures, risks, and benefits, contact Dr. Jennifer Ghahari by emailing

If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, you can also contact the Seattle Anxiety Specialists Institutional Review Board (IRB) to connect with someone independent of the research team.

Thank you for your help and participation!